Sunday, July 5, 2009

Saint Bernardino of Siena Practices Crisis Management

SaintsforSinners Display Boxes Face Giant Scandal on BravoTV's NYC Prep!

The Display Boxes, the trays that store the hand-painted Saint Medallions, (and featured in our careful drawing at left) are embroiled in a giant controversy, it has been reported.

The boxes are going to be appearing in a future episode of the BravoTV Show, "NYC Prep," a show that seems universally maligned by New York City Preparatory School Administrators and Prep School Kids' Parents!

Saint Bernardine of Siena, the saint who handles "damage control" and "crisis management" for SaintsforSinners, has come over from, you guessed it, Siena, Italy, to help squelch the bad publicity about the new show and the SaintsforSinners boxes.

"I'll handle the scandal," Bernie promised. "It's not the Display Boxes that are being criticized, it's the content of the show, and those are two entirely different matters."

The Patroness of Television, Saint Clare of Assisi, is also monitoring the show and said "the people who are against the airing of the show really need to chill."

Sandy Bass, an arguably ditzy editor with "The Private School Insider" was asked about the show and she quipped (like a San Fernando Valley teenager from yesteryear), "Horrified is totally the word." (Emphasis Added).

The show airs on Tuesday nights and SaintsforSinners publicist, Saint Bernardine of Siena, said "We will be standing behind the show, and our display boxes at the famous Selima Optiques in New York City, despite all the negativity presented in the recent article by Julie Bosman in the New York Times."

Saint Genesius, the patron of actors and comedians chimed in that "The Show Must Go On. Long Live BravoTV & NYC Prep. Bring it on!"

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