Friday, September 25, 2009

Saint Hugh of Lincoln Recommends Dawn Dishwasher Liquid representative Saint Hugh of Lincoln, has put out a plea, "Please use Dawn Dishwasher Liquid and by doing so, you will Save Ducks and other Fowl, like Ugly Ducklings that turn into Swans."

Known as the patron of Swans, and sick children, Hugh also urged parents to make sure their kids wash their hands many times a day, to help curtail germs and also, a nasty little bug called the "Swine Flu."

Saint Hugh of Lincoln first got on board as a supporter of Dawn Dish Washing Liquid, in 1989, when he learned that Dawn was very effective in saving thousands of birds, ducks, and other creatures after they were coated with oil and debris from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, that also killed thousands of poor animals. When he learned that the makers of Dawn will donate $ 1.00 each time a person buys a bottle of Dawn and goes to and enters some numbers from the bottle at it, he felt that that was a good reason to support Dawn. According to Andrew Adam Newman, a guy who writes well and covers issues about Advertising at The New York Times, the fund raising effort has already brought in nearly $ 90,000.

Hugh says that Dawn's parent company, Proctor & Gamble, is, although "not exactly the greatest thing since sliced bread, they are definitely very generous and steadfast in their work to help ducks survive after being stricken with oil." Hugh knew that Proctor & Gamble conducted tests on animals and this put him in a dilemma where he was asking himself, "Self, should I stay or should I go with Dawn?" His answers came from near and far.

Hugh's friend at, Saint Francis of Assisi, is a saint who is really into animals and ecology and "Mother Earth" and "Sister Moon" lingo, so he called on him and they had a chat. Afterward, Francis sent Hugh down to observe Kathy Guillermo, who is a VP at PETA and works in the animal laboratory investigations wing. Hugh heard Kathy say "Anything a company does to help animals, we applaud." She added that she "may have issues with their policies in their entirety," but "in any case they're helping." So Hugh decided to get behind the fund-raising efforts and encourage people to buy Dawn Dish Washing Liquid from this day forward. Plus, he said, it's kind of fun to sing "Dawn de dawn dawn!" and that seems to happen a lot when I wash dishes from my last supper.